Sunday 12 February 2017

Studio workshop: gouache invitation

I have produced the gouache version of my invitation to my date at The Museum of London. I layered the invitation on Photoshop similar to the Photoshop colour version. I wanted to continue with the idea of creating a collage of the landmarks as I believe they created a interesting visual image for the colour Photoshop invitation. I wanted to continue with that idea and test out the idea using the gouache painted versions.
At first I didn't like the painted versions of the landmarks, but when the development of the invitation was completed I began to like the gouache paint version, like the colour Photoshop version the colours seem to work well together and the landmarks as part of a collage create a visual interesting image.
The paint fonts have been placed at the top because I felt the lettering fonts all fit in well together with the gouache paint medium.
I now will visit The Museum of London, documenting my experience with drawings, photos and notes about exhibits and objects within the museum.

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