Sunday 12 February 2017

Studio workshop: Photoshop colour invitation

I have developed the Photoshop colour version of the invitation. Like the black and white version I used the five landmark illustrations with the invitation text being on the bottom and the address being on the bottom. For this invitation I placed the landmarks together as a collage to make the colour invitation visual more interesting  placing them so they are all visible and connect well together in terms of height, and layout. 
I included a light blue background which I believe works with the overall colour pallet, and the background not just being white with the colours standing out to much. The colours used designed to fit together adding more of a interesting effect to the invitation.
I now intend to develop a gouache version of an invitation. The landmarks and fonts being coloured using a gouache paint medium which is completely new to me. The paint version will be coloured similar to the Photoshop version. 

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