Monday 14 November 2016

Word and image: eye in the sky Illustrated Photoshoped version

Here I have continued with the development of my drawings further transferring my illustrations to Photoshop. I plan to use these coloured versions for the book. I continued with the development of colour by analysing what colours worked and didn't from the pencil and pen coloured versions. I also added a blue background to symbolise a blue sky. I only left one illustration with a white background as I felt it was the weakest drawing within the series. I decided not to continue with the development of that illustration.   
I indented to use Photoshop to experiment with the level and colour filter as my drawings have a graphic style. I have used Photoshop before to great affect with my drawing style.
I intend to develop the cover for the book and start developing the layout. I also intend to use two drawings as part of the book cover.

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