Tuesday 29 November 2016

A teenagers guide to survival: Finished Book layout

I have developed the final book layout for the children's book. I transferred the books cover and pages to Photoshop. I developed a new Photoshop document adding the books cover and pages to the document. I also developed the spine for the book. I copied the text from the books front cover adding the title and my name to the books spine. I coloured the spine using the colour filter to colour the spine green and blue. I changed the colours layout for all the pages and books cover from a RGB colour format to a CMYK colour tone. The change in the colour format makes the book look more professional, better developed and presentable.   

I combined the front cover, spine and back cover together on a document to form the books cover. I did the same to develop the books three double page spreads. I combined two of the six book pages together three times creating the three double page spreads.

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