Saturday 19 November 2016

A teenagers guide to survival: watercolour book cover illustrations

I painted over the illustrations I intend to use as part of my book cover in watercolour. I again painted the illustrations similar to how I coloured the illustrations on Photoshop. I used 
different tones of green for the grass areas so the images would be able to showcase different tones and textures within the environment. I also painted the elephants using the same basic colour used for the other elephant illustrations.
 I also coloured the safari vehicle similar to the background. I wanted the vehicle to fit in with the background. I also added dark colours so the vehicle would not completely be part of the environment. The dark colours making the safari vehicle standout so it's not part of the safari environment, but fits in with the image.
For the people I coloured them similar to the cover illustrations. I will use them as part of the cover so the colours will make them fit in with the image and not look out of place.
I now will paint a watercolour version of the background illustration.

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