Friday 5 May 2017

FMP: Postcards

postcard front design 1

Postcard front design 2

 Postcard front design 3


I have had printed three different postcard designs, similar to the business cards they are intended to be part of my display at the degree show. I also wanted to create a set of postcards as a promotional product choosing illustrations from my FMP comic pages, which I felt were visually interesting similar to the business cards, but choosing illustrations which I felt were more interesting and more likely to sell, as postcards are a selling promotional product, when business cards are handed out to possible clients not sold.

For the back of the postcards I included my logo, blogger web address, and email, similar to the business cards for people to be able to follow my work on blogger and for possible clients to contract me. I also gathered a layout from a normal back postcard design so people can send my work to different places and contracts.    

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