Wednesday, 11 January 2017

YCN Quorn brief business card



I have produced a business card producing a design for the front and back for the business card. The idea is simple to send out the message of World Free Meat Day. The cards also support the idea of healthy eating. I used the same colours from the posters and the bubble written so they link together. I also included the Quorn company logo. The front of the card shows a veggie burger with the phrase be healthy to promote the idea of healthy eating. The back of the card has the date World Free Meat Day is. The back also includes a cheese burger with a stop sign around the burger. This is to advertise meat is not good for your healthy and to try healthy options. The phrase I want a veggie going across the image sends the images message across.    

YNC Quorn brief posters

I have developed three posters based around the idea of promoting health eating. The idea is to advertise the idea to people to eat healthy food options instead of meat. I included all the Photoshop coloured drawings of the foods and bubble written. I also included the Quorn company logo. The background colours for the posters are a light colour based colours to help make the posters standout with light colours. The colours also were designed to fit in around the foods.

The idea for the first poster was to get people to try and eat veggie burgers with the phrase do something positive to support the idea of eating healthy foods is a positive step towards better health.

The idea for the second poster was to promote healthy eating is better for you. The idea was also to support the idea of eating meat is bad. The stop sign around the evil looking meat burger is to advertise to people meat products are bad for you health. Presenting people to avoid eating them. Veggie burgers are the way to go. The background colour fitting around the colours of a veggie burgers darker salad colouring.

The idea for the third poster was to have a collage of healthy food good looking food together to promote vegetables are a good way of improving your health. The phrase be healthy adds to the idea of promoting healthy eating. The background colour being green as green is seen as a healthy and natural colour.   

Monday, 9 January 2017

YCN Quorn brief photoshop coloured bubble written

I have coloured the bubble written fonts using the colour filter on Photoshop. I used a pallet of bright colours for the text so they stand out on the posters similar to the same idea with the food drawings. I also coloured the text in natural colours World Free Meat Day being blue to symbolise Earth with the Earth being mostly covered by water. The date of the World Free Meat Day and be healthy phrase bright light green to symbolise a known health colour. Do something positive yellow to symbolise a bright well known natural colour and easily associated with being positive. I want a veggie a green vegetable colouring to link with the veggie burgers on one of the posters.

YCN Quorn brief Photoshop coloured vegetable drawings

I have coloured the vegetable drawings on Photoshop using the colour filter like I did for the burger versions. I again coloured the drawings similar to how the vegetable are coloured in real life. I idea is for people to easy associate and recognize what vegetables they are. Again I used Photoshop to colour the drawings so they stand out like a graphic image on the poster.

YCN Quorn brief photoshop coloured burger drawings

I have used the colour filter on Photoshop to colour the burger illustrations. I coloured the drawings similar to how the burgers would be coloured in real life. I choose to use Photoshop to colour the drawings so they would have a graphic element which would stand out better on posters. I also used a light colour pallet apart from the meat sections on the two cheese burgers. The light colours will also help the drawings stand out and make the meat within the cheese burgers fit out of place looking unfit.

YCN Quorn brief: bubble written fonts

Here I have produced bubble written font for the posters and business card. I have also developed three different pieces of text which will be included in the poster to present a message the each poster will be representing. Do something positive, be healthy, I want a veggie.
I intend to colour the burger, vegetable and bubble written drawings using the colour filter on Photoshop.

YCN Quorn brief vegetable drawings

Here I have produced a number of vegetable drawings. I intend to use the drawings to produce a collage of vegetable drawings for the third poster. I have focused on a number of different vegetables including carrots, broccoli, strawberries, tomatoes, cauliflower, peppers and onion.
I intend to produce bubble written fonts for the posters and business card

YCN Student awards: Quorn brief burger drawings



I choose to develop work for the Quorn YCN Student award brief. The brief focuses on World Meat Free Day on the 12th June 2017. The brief asks to create a campaign to support World Meat Free Day. The brief setting to target all audiences to gain as much support and get as many people involved as possible to go meat free for one day. The brief also setting to support the idea of being healthy. How people can make long-term changes to their diets beyond World Health Day. Encouraging people to eat meat free meals.   
I have chosen to design three different posters which can be used in supermarkets or as advertisement. I also decided to develop a business card which can be handed out to people on the street or in supermarkets.
I have produced seven burger drawings, five being veggie burgers and two being cheese. One of the cheese burgers has been illustrated to have an evil look to present the unhealthy nature and fatten effect they have. The veggie burgers are designed to support healthy eating by being a healthy option and different option from meat burgers.
I also intend to develop vegetable illustrations to support the idea of healthy eating.  

Sunday, 8 January 2017

YCN Bear brief: yoyo cards back cover designs.

Here I have developed the three back cover designs for the bear yoyo cards. I added the bear company logo so kids will be able to associate the cards to bear. I put the logo next to the animal silhouette images so it links the bear logo to the animals better.
 I added the hand developed bubble written presenting the animal and environment names and the animal statues. I also added the animal and environment facts to the back cover. The facts designed to help kids learn about the animal and environment they live in. I added the number ratings for each statue linked to the animal. For the background colouring I used the colour filter coping a colour from the watercolour versions of the animal adding the colour to the back design.
 The background colours designed to make the back cover of the yoyo cards appeal more to kids. The background colouring being a bright colour so the written stands out more and adds a light nature to the cards.    

YCN Bear brief: animal silhouette black coloured versions

Here I have used the colour filter on Photoshop adding black colouring to the silhouette images of the animals.
I now will begin the development of the back yoyo card back cover designs.    

YCN Bear brief: animal silhouettes.

I have developed animal silhouettes of a lion, bear and shark. I intend for the animal silhouettes to become part of the yoyo card back cover designs. I wanted to add more visuals to the back cover which are intended to add interest as they would be different from the animals on the front cover.
I will colour the silhouette images black on Photoshop using the colour filter.

YCN Bear brief: coloured animal statue icons

I have developed coloured versions of the statue icons. I wanted the icons to appear more interesting instead of being black and white. I coloured the icons similar to references of the objects so they link better to what objects they are and to appear more interesting to kids with the colouring.
I intend to develop animal silhouettes which will also be used as the back cover designs of the animals on the front cover.    

YCN Bear brief: hand developed statue fonts

I have produced hand developed fonts of the animal statues so they would stand out more to instead of being just hand written like the animal and environment facts. The bubble written will be placed alongside the statue icons and the number the animal is rated for the statues.
I intend to colour the fonts using the colour filter on Photoshop based around the same colour for the watercolour animal name fonts.

YCN Bear brief: animal state icon drawings

I have produced illustrations based around the six statues which will become part of the back yoyo card design. The illustrations will be presented as icons alongside the statue the drawings represent. I intend to colour the icons on Photoshop using the colour filter to give them more of a graphic element towards them so them would appear more as icons. When developing the yoyo card back cover designs the back covers seemed boring. With only written I wanted to add visuals which would make kids interested more.
I intend to develop coloured versions of the icons on Photoshop using the colour filter. I also intend to produced bubble written of the written statues.

YCN Bear brief: animal statues table

I have produced a animal statues table which I intend to be part of the back cover designs for the yoyo cards. The states are designed to add more a interest to the back of the cards. Kids using the statues can compare the animal animals together with the states presenting the animals being marked out of ten for speed, strength, weight, lifespan, intelligence and deadly rate. The states will also link with some of the written facts about the animal.

YCN Bear brief: yoyo card front cover designs

Here I have developed the three yoyo card cover designs. Using Photoshop I placed the watercolour animal painted versions within the same image of the watercolour painted environment settings. I placed the animals within the centre of the cover designs being largely sized so the kids will notice the animals then the environments they are in.
I intend to start with the development of producing the back of the yoyo card designs. 

YCN Bear brief: watercolour animal and environment name font versions


I have produced watercolour versions of the hand developed front of the animal and environment names. I painted the names with the same colours I used to paint the animals so the names and animals will link through colour.
I now intend to start the development of the front covers for the yoyo card designs.