Saturday, 25 March 2017

FMP: Encore Photoshop colour illustrations


I have coloured my illustrations for the Encore comic strip using the colour filter on Photoshop. Again colouring the illustrations based around the reference influenced from and creating a pallet of colours which work together as a set and will allow the strip to become better visually, graphical, and stand out more. I also have presented all the finished versions of the illustrations where I combined some of the illustrations from the black and white versions together creating the same image.
I now will begin the development of the Encore comic strip.

FMP: Encore written text

Here I have written out the chosen sections of text from the Encore tale which I produced visuals from. I written down the text as I intend again to use my own hand written font for the comic strip. The text giving the comic strips a more personal feel.

FMP: Encore illustrations

I have completed the illustrations for the Encore tale form SUM Forty Tales From the Afterlife. I chose to create a illustration for this tale as I developed interesting visuals which I believed at the time could develop into interesting illustrations, which could continue the flow of the comic strips in developing a visually interesting comic strip.
The drawings being based around reference which I use to present a visual language which has been successful within the project. I chose to illustrate from a number of elements of text from the tale just like the other comic strips.
I now intend to colour the illustrations on Photoshop combining some of the illustrations together as some of the illustrations are intended to become part of the same image on the comic strip.

Monday, 13 March 2017

FMP: Death Switch comic strip

I have produced the Death Switch comic strip. The strip presenting the basic story of the tale, which my illustrations showcasing visuals based around the tale. I coloured the strips page and background colours of some of the illustrations based around research I did on different colour meanings to better illustrate the meaning and representation of the illustrations to link better with the meanings of them. I also coloured the background section for the text grey instead of white as the back background of the text sections stood out to much and did not blend in with the illustrations well, but the grey colouring I believe makes the strip better visually interesting and the grey colouring works better with the other colours used for the comic strip.
I layered the strip to present the illustrations and text so they fit together and are arranged on the pages to a more professional standard instead of having them just place on the page with to many big gaps between the texts, and illustrations, also to make sure the strip fits in with similar structures of the other strips, and to keep the strip visually interesting presenting the tale clearly.   

FMP: Death Switch Photoshop colour illustrations

I have added colour to the illustrations using the colour filter on Photoshop to give the illustration a graphical element which my drawing style works well around. I coloured the illustrations similar to the reference except the space ship which I drew based from a number of reference which influenced that illustration.
I now intend to begin the development of the Death Switch comic strip.